People often say I think I’ve got a book in me. Well, I thought I had a book in me too. But it turned out that I actually had Ray Bradbury’s book in me. Megan Dunn
My first book Tinderbox has been published by Galley Beggar Press, UK.
It is about the end of the Borders book chain, Julie Christie and me – but not necessarily in that order.
It is also about Ray Bradbury, censorship and the end of the world – but not necessarily in that order.
It is also about Jeff intellectual, Bezos freedom, and Piggle Iggle – not in order but that necessarily.
Galley Beggar says: Riffing on Ray Bradbury’s classic novel about the end of reading, Tinderbox is one of the most interesting books in decades about literary culture and its place in the world. More than that, it’s about how every one of us fits into that bigger picture – and the struggle to make sense of life in the twenty-first century.
Hear me read!
This is a podcast of a session I was in called You write funny! from Word Christchurch Festival in August 2018. I read from Tinderbox about 13.30sec in. Apparently, I am actually good at reading from my own work. Bonus. But in case you needed added incentive you can also hear the writers Erik Kennedy, Chris Tse and Annaleese Jochems in this session.
Media about Tinderbox
In Dec 2021 I found this lovely blog by Annabookbel that discusses Tinderbox and then Bradbury’s F451. Nice to see Tinderbox still burning despite being out of print…
The Spinoff voted Tinderbox one of their best 20 non-fiction reads of 2018. Who am I to argue? Find the list here.
Author James Cook wrote this Smokin’ review of Tinderbox for Review 31
This wonderful Bookseller, Liv, from Waterstones Exeter gave Tinderbox a really thorough and glowing review for Waterstones Youtube channel.
Marcus Hobson gave Tinderbox a great review over on NZBooklovers.
In the New Zealand Listener (March 19, 2018) Catherine Robertson gave Tinderbox a great review, calling the tone of the book, “Lucky Jim-esque.”
Phillip Matthews reviewed Tinderbox on Stuff.
In Metro magazine’s March/April 2018 issue there is glowing print review by Susanna Andrew, where she calls me “a comic genius.”
Librarian Alyson has written a lovely blog post on Tinderbox here
Simon Sweetman, music critic and Robbie Williams agitator – and an ex-Borders Manager – interviewed me for his Off The Tracks podcast. It was great to talk to another Borders staff member and made me remember all kinds of bureaucratic horrors like the Memo to File…
Unsound Methods are a new literary podcast based in London. I spoke to them about Tinderbox, mermaids and being mean to my old managers (in print).
On RNZ I talked to Broadcaster Kim Hill about massage parlours, e-readers and Trump.
I was interviewed by poet of the revolution Hera Lindsay Bird for the Spinoff.
On Nine to Noon critic Kiran Dass included Tinderbox in her best of 2017.
On Radio New Zealand Harry Ricketts reviewed Tinderbox.
For the Tinderbox review on Bookblast look here.
For the Megan Dunn interview on Bookblast look here.
Landfall Online reviewed Tinderbox.
Victoria Wang reviewed Tinderbox for Minorlits.
To read an enjoyable extract click over to Minorlits.
To read another enjoyable extract click over to The Spinoff.
Where can I buy it?
In NZ you can buy Tinderbox at Unity Books (Auckland or Wellington) or Volume Books in Nelson or even at the City Gallery Wellington shop.
Read the first chapter/and or buy direct from the publisher here.